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Article on the delicate balance: Can companies provide good returns to shareholders while being socially responsible?
Roger L. Martin, the Dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, thinks they can and should, stating that corporate responsibility can actually increase shareholder value.
Many consumers and
investors, as well as a growing number of business leaders, have added their
voices to those urging corporations to remember their obligations to their
employees, their communities, and the environment, even as they pursue
profits for shareholders.
But executives who wish to make their organizations better corporate
citizens face significant obstacles. If they undertake costly initiatives
that their rivals don't embrace, they risk eroding their
position. If they invite government oversight, they may find themselves
hampered by regulations that impose onerous costs without generating
meaningful societal benefits in return. And if they insist on adopting the
wage scales and working conditions that prevail in the world's wealthiest
industrial democracies, they may succeed only in driving jobs to countries
where less stringent standards are the norm.
de Jonge, The value of a corporation: shareholder and stakeholder thinking
Kennedy, The End of Shareholder Value
Freeman, Corporate Strategy and the Search for Ethics
Center Economic Social Justice CESJ employees, labor unions, company
Governance responsibilities accounting standards
Global Corporate Governance Forum standards governance corporations, enterprise accountability fairness transparency responsibility
CSR Europe corporate social responsibility stakeholder dialogue
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