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↔ Organizations in the field of Management

Strategy - Value Creation - Ethics

Center Economic Social Justice CESJ employees, labor unions, company

Corporate Social Responsibility Europe stakeholder dialogue

Enronitis Ethics Compliance survey results

Ethics Web ethical decision-making business ethics

Foundation for Enterprise Development employee ownership equity sharing


Valuation - Benchmarking - Accounting

Benchmarking Network sites sources benchmarking links events

Benchnet surveys benchmarks

Best Practices Balanced Scorecard benchmarking

Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB financial reporting US GAAP

Hackett benchmark database benchmarking studies research

Institute of Value Management  (UK)

International Accounting Standards Board IASB IAS IFRS

International Valuation Standards Committee IVSC harmonize valuation standards

Sarbanes-Oxley Act public company accounting reform and investor protection act

Governance - Change - Culture

Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC trade investment liberalization economic technical cooperation

Business Roundtable - Corporate Governance responsibilities accounting standards

European Commission EC Competition antitrust mergers liberalization state aid

European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) - Independent scientific research on Corporate Governance and related activities.

International Monetary Fund IMF F&D cooperation exchange stability

OECD Corporate Governance principles 2004

OECD corporate governance standards governance accountability transparency

Worldbank international corporate governance initiatives overview

World Trade Organization WTO trade agreements, negotiations, disputes

Intellectual Capital

Hill & Knowlton - Corporate reputation consulting

Saratoga Institute human assets measurement  analysis education HR

ValueTrue valuing intangibles

Leadership - Management

12manage - Management methods, forums, and special interest groups.

Gallup Organization - Provides market research and consulting services for Fortune 500 clients. It also publishes America's leading barometer of public opinion, the Gallup Poll.































VBM Methods: 7-S | ABC | Ansoff | Balanced Scorecard | Baldrige | BCG matrix | Benchmarking | BPR | Brainstorming | Brand Personality | CMM | CFROI | CVA | Change Phases | Change Behavior | Competitive Advantage | Core Competence | Core Groups | Corporate Reputation | Cultural Dimensions | Deming cycle | DCF | Distinctive Capabilities | EBIT | EBITDA | EVA | EPS | EFQM | EVM | Excess Return | Fair Value | Free Cash Flow | GE / McKinsey matrix | Hierarchy of Needs | Hofstede | Human Capital Index | IAS | IC-Rating | Impact/value | IVM | Innovation | IAM | Kaizen | Levers of Control | Liquidation value | MAGIC | Managing for Value | MVA | Marketing Mix | Modeling | Net Present Value | NOPAT | Organizational Configurations | P/E ratio | PAEI | Parenting Advantage | Porter Strategy framework | Porter Value Chain | PDSA | Portfolio Analysis | Product/market grid | RAROC | Real Options | Reputation Quotient | Return on Equity | ROI | RONA | Simulation | Six Sigma | Skandia Navigator | SWOT analysis | TDC matrix | Theory of Planned Behavior | Total Business Return | Total Shareholder Return | US GAAP | Value Chain | Value Creation Index | Value Disciplines | WACC


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