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Hill & Knowlton

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Hill & Knowlton

Corporate communications reputation consulting

Profile Hill & Knowlton

H&K is one of the largest communications consulting firms in the world.

In the view of Hill & Knowlton, corporate reputation is one of a company's most valuable and enduring assets. It plays a central role in the achievement of key business objectives such as:

- Creating shareholder value
- Attracting, retaining and motivating high-quality people
- Enhancing reputation with all audiences
- Marshaling stakeholder support on public policy issues
- Creating consumer preference for products and services
- Minimizing the impact a crisis can have on a company's financial position and business prospects

Hill & Knowlton's corporate experience spans many industries including energy, transportation, health care, food and consumer products, professional services, advanced technology, telecommunications, entertainment and financial services. Its mission is to help favorably affect the resolution of any issue of concern to the CEO, senior management or board of directors that involves the protection or enhancement of a company's "perceptual" assets.

Activities Services

benchmarking and measurement
Corporate positioning
Employee communications and change management
Crisis communications and management
Corporate social responsibility programs
Financial/investor relations
Strategic philanthropy
Litigation support

Main Address

US Corporate Practice
+1 323 966 5718
Los Angeles, California

Related Books

DeBonis, Value-Based Marketing for Bottom-Line success

Edvinsson, Corporate Longitude

Standfield, Intangible Management

Lev, Intangibles: Management, Measurement, and Reporting

Smith, Valuation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets

Kennedy, The End of Shareholder Value

Freeman, Corporate Strategy and the Search for Ethics


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