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Return On Net Assets

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Measuring Company Success: Summary of Return On Net Assets - RONA. Abstract

Return On Net Assets (RONA) equals the Net Operating Profit After Tax divided by the sum of cash, the working capital requirement and the fixed assets. A strong virtue of using RONA compared to traditional methods for measuring company success is that it also considers the assets a company uses to achieve its output.


It is similar to EVA [EVA = (RONA-WACC) x invested capital].

However using RONA instead of EVA is generally not recommended, because managers might bypass value-creating activities because they would reduce RONA (a risk if RONA is greater than WACC), or they might undertake value-destroying activities because they would increase RONA (if RONA is less than WACC).


Although it does not explicitly measures capital charges, it does remind managers that there is a cost to acquiring and holding assets. Ultimately maximizing EVA should rather be seen as the key to financial success then maximizing RONA.


      Net Sales

-    Operating Expenses


      Operating Profit (EBIT)

-    Taxes


      Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT)

/    Net Assets (= cash+working capital requirement+fixed assets)


      Return on Net Assets

Book: Steven M. Bragg - Business Ratios and Formulas : A Comprehensive Guide

Book: Ciaran Walsh - Key Management Ratios


👀TIP: On this website you can find much more about measuring company success and Return On Net Assets!

Compare:  EBIT  |  EBITDA  |  Economic Value Added  |  Earnings Per Share  |  Return on Equity  |  Net Present Value  |  Return On Investment

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