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Philippe Haspeslagh biography

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VBM Thought Leader: Philippe Haspeslagh biography

About Philippe Haspeslagh: biography / resume / curriculum vitae

Professor of Business Policy at INSEAD, Philippe Haspeslagh holds an MBA and a DBA from the Harvard Business School where he was a Baker Scholar. He joined the INSEAD faculty in 1979, where he currently directs the ABN AMRO Research Initiative on Managing for Value (since 2001) as well the Strategic Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions programme (1980 - ). He was also a Visiting Professor at the Stanford Business School (1984 - 1985) and at Harvard Business School (1992). He had been coordinator of INSEAD’s Strategy and Management area (1995). During 1996 and 1997 he was on leave of absence as “Directeur de Cabinet” of the Belgian Minister for Agriculture and SME’s.

Philippe Haspeslagh INSEAD ABN AMRO Managing for ValueHis work on Portfolio Planning and the Management of Diversified Companies received the American Academy of Management 1984 A T Kearney award for outstanding research in general management. His book on “Managing Acquisitions: Creating Value through Corporate Renewal”, (with David Jemison, Free Press/McMillan 1991) received the Academy of Management’s 1993 George R. Terry Award for the most significant contribution to management.

His current research is on the adoption of Anglo-Saxon governance and management practices by Continental European and Japanese firms. His article (with Tomo Noda and Fares Boulos), titled “Managing for Value: It’s Not Just About the Numbers” was published in Harvard Business Review July-August 2001 issue.

Professor Haspeslagh has consulted widely on corporate role, strategic planning in diversified firms, M&A and managing for value. He is a Chairman and Board member of several listed and unlisted companies. He is also a member of the Senate of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and of the Board of Overseers of the Vlerick School of Management, as well as the Academic Director of the European Council on Corporate Strategy of the Conference Board.

He is Belgian citizen, married to Martine Van den Poel, and has two children.



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