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Organizational Growth Model

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Greiner's Growth Phases

Summary of the Organizational Growth Model by Greiner. Abstract

Larry Greiner (1972)

The growth phases model of Greiner suggests that organizations go through 5 (6) stages of growth and need appropriate strategies and structures to cope.  It is a descriptive framework that can be used to understand why certain management styles, organizational structures and coordination mechanisms work and don't work at certain phases in the development of an organization. The 1972 model of Greiner describes five (six) phases of organizational development and growth:

More recently Greiner added a sixth phase to his growth phases model: • extra-organizational solutions (mergers,  holdings, networks of organizations)

Value Based Management.net

👀TIP: On this website you can find much more about typical company growth stages!

See also: M&A  |  Porter  |  Prahalad  |  Parenting Styles  |  BCG Matrix  |  Kay  |  Mintzberg  |  Leveraged buy-out  |  Relative Value of Growth

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