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Result Oriented Management

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Resultaatgericht Management

Jan Schouten (1996)

Wim van Beers

Result Oriented Management (ROM) is a management style described by Jan Schouten and Wim van Beers, both from Dutch origin.

The ROM system - or: "Resultaatgericht Management" (RGM) as it is called in Dutch -  aims to achieve maximum results based on clear and measurable agreements made upfront.  RGM is primarily a management style based on the thought that people will work with more enthusiasm and fun if:

In ROM, the manager sets goals and determines priorities and makes resources available that are needed: time, money and capacity. The employee provides his time, knowledge and abilities and indicates under which conditions he can deliver the required results.  In doing so, he takes the personal responsibility for achieving those results.

ROM is a management system that works with so called Result Oriented Agreements. All parties have the same expectations about their targets and can approach each other on results. All agreements must always be 'SMART': Specific, Measurable, Accepted, Relevant and Traceable. Within the borders of the agreements that are made, the employees are free to determine how they want to achieve their targets.

RGM helps to translate corporate goals to divisional and individual goals. The process of ROM is preferably top down and bottom up and consist of the following steps:

👀TIP: On this website you can find much more about Result Oriented Management!

Compare with Result Oriented Management:  Value Based Management  |  Results-Based Leadership  |  Change Management  |  Seven Habits  |  Path-Goal Theory  |  Leadership Continuum  |  SMART (Drucker)  |  Leadership Styles

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